
Service System

  • Honest service

    Honest service

    We are a 3A-level contract-abiding and credit-worthy enterprise in Zhejiang Province. We have the best sales and service center and technical engineering team. We are always committed to providing high-quality, standardized, thoughtful, efficient and personalized after-sales and technical services, and strive to improve professionalism and reliability. It can develop the most ideal product supply and solutions for customers to ensure that the different needs of each customer are fully met.

  • Quality control

    Quality control

    Lizhou has passed 3C certification and ISO9001:2008 international quality management system certification, which truly meets the management standards of international enterprises. In order to ensure high-quality products, Lizhou adopts advanced automated production and testing equipment based on compliance with national safety standards, insists that the entire process of material selection, incoming inspection, manufacturing, and product testing undergo strict international standard quality management. Reach the factory's 100% pass rate.

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